December 20, 2024Be hospitable to one another without complaint. 1 Peter 4:9
1. ACKNOWLEDGE YOUR FEELINGS. We love the beauty and togetherness of the holidays, but this time of year can also bring up feelings of loss and lack. Understand you are human and keep everything in perspective. Lift your eyes to Jesus the Rescuer who came to push aside the darkness and set us free from sin.
2. REACH OUT. Look for fun opportunities to bless others, and deny self-pity this season! Every day make someone’s life brighter. Volunteer. Slip extra money to somebody. Buy someone’s meal at a restaurant.
3. BE REALISTIC. Don’t over-idealize this season—it’s expensive and busy. If you don’t get something done, just say, “Oh well, there’s always next year!”
4. SET ASIDE DIFFERENCES. This is not the time to tackle dysfunctional weirdness or sophisticated family issues that are floating around in your life. Bathe circumstances in prayer, walk in love, and express kindness. Try to keep things light and encouraging. If things start going toxic, maybe change the subject.
5. PRAY AHEAD. Anticipate a situation and pray ahead. Don’t let the devil sabotage your contacts—stay in a place where God can use you.
6. STICK TO A BUDGET. The worth of your holidays is not determined by how much you spend. Evaluate your spending and give yourself permission to make meaningful adjustments. It might help to talk this over with your family.
7. LEARN TO SAY NO. The best gift you can give to others is a healthy you. Learn how to delegate and let others help you. (Guys, it’s a documented, scientific fact that girls are attracted to husbands who help with the dishes.)
8. DON’T ABANDON HEALTHY HABITS. Take your vitamins, go for walks, and drink lots of water. Stay consistent with the Word of God and continue praying.
9. TAKE A BREATHER. Do something that you enjoy. If you don’t feel like you have time for a break, lie down and pray about whatever task is at hand—you’ll be productive and you’ll rest your body! Also, drive across town and go to a restaurant you normally don’t go to. Change things up a bit.
10. LAUGH MORE. Complain less! You only get one December in a year, so stop and enjoy the beauty of the lights. Step outside and breathe in the winter air. Enjoy family and friends. We pray that this will be the best holiday season you’ve ever had—full of joy and buoyancy! After all, it’s Jesus’ birthday!
God Bless You!
Pastors Jeff & Patsy Perry
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